Never be deceived when your cleaning leads imply a seemingly easy job for your commercial cleaning firm. Unless you hear it straight from your own workers, some jobs can be a lot more than what was described in your prospect profile. You need to watch out beforehand or else these cleaning leads could result in situations going out of hand.
When something sounds too easy, it probably is. For example, you use inbound telemarketing and a website to acquire your cleaning leads. One of them comes in saying they have a pest problem. Your lead generator talks to them for a bit and then forwards the information to sales. So far so good. But once your people actually arrive on-site, you get an emergency call saying that it is worse than they thought and they need back up!
Believe it or not, there is still a lot you could have done to prevent that. This is the result of overestimating the information being shared and underestimating the limitations your prospects might face when communicating with you before they became cleaning leads.
- Insufficient descriptions – In the example above, one possible explanation is that the prospect may have difficult expressing their problems in written word. This is why you should do everything to have more than one channel through which to acquire cleaning leads.
- Prospects do not know their own problems – Another possible explanation is that prospects themselves do not understand the gravity of a problem. This is where your expertise should come in and it should not be limited to salespeople. At the same time though, make sure that you are not too quick to qualify or disqualify them as cleaning lead because you misunderstand their priorities.
Related Content: Cleaning Leads – Using Them To Truly Understand Priorities
- You were unprepared – Perhaps what is most commonplace cause however is that you were genuinely unprepared. You underestimated the problem and this is something no amount of cleaning leads can fix. Fortunately, if you had been truly thorough with the process of qualifying your cleaning leads, it should be enough to instill a sense of vigilance.
- You did not admit it was out of your hands – Some problems though are simply not within your capacity as a commercial cleaner. Sure you may have dabbled in building maintenance and made commercial cleaning leads from businesses who were not really having a cleaning problem. That does not mean your people are on the same level as building engineers or certified computer technicians.
Related Content: When Cleaning Leads Result In More Than Just Cleaning Jobs
Do not risk your business reputation just because you did not take a prospect's situation a little more seriously. Do not be deceived by cleaning leads that seem to request an easy job. The process of qualifying these cleaning sales leads should always know if a problem could be something that can get out of hand.
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