

Monday, November 19, 2012

Starting a Janitorial Business – Step 2: Appointment Setting

appointment setting, cleaning services, telemarketing
In starting a janitorial business, getting leads is not enough to say that you've successfully started up. Sometimes it takes little more oomph to get the ball rolling – and by that we mean meeting with your prospects. How do we start doing this? The answer is through appointment setting!

In one of our previous points, we talked about the first step of starting a janitorial business and that was all about generating leads. This time, we'll talk about how you can make use of leads you acquire and start pulling in some business for your company. So let's get going to the next part, shall we?

Getting leads is the job of your marketing guys. Closing deals is the job your sales representatives have. The two, sales and marketing, are not necessarily the same although both should work together so that your company starts getting new clients. But since you're still starting up, who is going to handle your appointment setting campaign?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Outsourcing Lead Generation – When Your Budget Doesn't Cut It

lead generation, lead generation services, telemarketing company
B2B companies that want to increase their sales should have amazingly plotted marketing schemes. Without an amazing plan, results would stay the same and the rate at which they generate new leads will remain at its current state... or possibly, and hopefully not, decline. In a way, B2B marketing and lead generation compliment each other in that effective marketing generates high-quality sales leads. So when you want to put an awesome marketing plan into play, what's the one thing you should have? The answer is a budget.

Our budget dictates what we can and cannot do. The larger our spending power, the more we can be extravagant in doing B2B marketing. However, a budget is something we do not always have the luxury of possessing and our actions are often limited as a business. Of course, you're not Apple or Microsoft, or any other well-known and supremely rich company out there. So how else can you get new and high-quality leads if you can't even afford to splurge on a shiny new marketing campaign?

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Start a Janitorial Business – Step 1: Get Leads

janitorial business,cleaning leads, business to business leads
One of the best type of businesses to go into nowadays is the janitorial business. A lot of people hire janitorial companies these days, and not just because they need a quick fix-up in their office. As you may know, a clean office is a good office. A properly kept work environment is one that does not allow any health problems to spread even start in the first place. And the better kept and cleaner an office, the better is it for employees.

So as a cleaning services company, just who are your potential clients? Well, your employers can range from small time companies all the way up to big names in the industry! As a cleaning firm, there's no telling as to who you could take on as a client. And that's why it is such as lucrative business. Unlike other fields in which the name of your company matters most of the time, running a cleaning business is all about the quality of service. The better you do your job, the better your chances at landing more customers and obtaining long-term contracts with your clients.

First, let's get the basics down... how do you start a janitorial business? Sure, the idea may sound promising. But that promise isn't going to deliver itself if you do not know the first thing about how to make money for your company. Well to start, it's a good idea to secure a method of lead generation.

The first step in starting a business is to make sure to secure a way to bring business to your business. As such, lead generation plays a crucial role in finding you prospects. Here are some ways in which you can generate cleaning leads for your janitorial business.

The age-old approach of telemarketing.

One of the oldest and still widely used marketing approaches you can employ to get leads for your cleaning firm is through telemarketing. If your target are different businesses, then you will find that a telemarketing campaign has better chances at generating business to business leads than it does when it tries to generate sales leads when facing the B2C market. If you're worried that your campaign will not be well received by your prospects in your target market, then rest assured that the results are far different in the field of B2B.

As a marketing approach, telemarketing still has power in it. Through the use of the phone, you will instantly be in touch with your target prospects and be able to communicate with them in real-time. Real-time communication allows for better discussions with your prospects, which in turn leads to better chances at winning their interest and therefore generating leads. Surely, telemarketing is an approach which you shouldn't ignore using for your janitorial business.

The inbound marketing approach.

Inbound leads are easier to deal with and yield better chances of you getting a sale out of them. As such, many companies that are in the same business as yours want to be able to reliable generate inbound leads. The problem is that not that many people understand the science of inbound marketing. If that's the case, then just what can you do?

The answer can be as simple as this: have a website and a blog. If you understand the basics of Internet marketing, then you'll know that having a website and a blog is essential to success in this field of marketing as it is a major contributor to your inbound marketing efforts. A blog serves as your place to relay your ideas and expertise in your chosen field to your prospects. A website serves to help you turn your site visitors and blog readers into leads.

Actually, these two approaches are direct opposites to each other. Telemarketing is classified as an outbound marketing approach, and the other is, well, about inbound marketing. In order for you to maximize your efforts at generating leads for your janitorial business, you will need to have a good mix of both inbound and outbound marketing. What those approaches are, however, is up to you to decide upon.

So do you want to start your own janitorial business? Then secure ways in which you can generate high-quality cleaning leads. You're going to need them once you get the ball rolling!